because that's what engineers do...
we see a problem and solve it. real simple. not necessarily easy. but VERY simple.
i'm not giving up until my work is done and the problem is solved.
i'm not giving up until my work is done and the problem is solved.
I heard an engineer at the Black Women in the Ivory Tower conference at Rutgers University a few months ago talk about this same thing. She said, we need fewer lawyers in D.C. and in government in general, and more engineers! Because when engineers (and she may have thrown in scientists too) see a problem, they solve it!
No bickering. No getting caught up in legal. language. Engineers just get the job done.
I thought she was very sharp. (Ah, I found the link, her name was Simone Peterson Hruda of Florida A & M University where I think she's director of the program or a chair of something....)
As a fellow PhD in the same grind of end of sememster papers & projects: good luck over there!
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