Wednesday, May 13, 2009

the power of a smile (cont'd)

when we have a negative outlook on life or when we are simply not smiling, we tend to focus more on negative things. and, as i have said before, your body follows the direction in which you are looking. when we focus on negativity, we are essentially looking for it; AND, you are ALWAYS gonna find it. what we may perceive as "when it rains, it pours," is actually a "sun shower" (sprinkles of rain in the beaming sunshine). too many times, we choose to ignore the beaming sunshine. we are not necessarily experiencing a succession of negative things , we just may be preventing ourselves from seeing anything positive and think there are only bad things happening to us.

the same thing can be said of having a constant smile and happiness that is unshakable. yes, we all experience setbacks. BUT, we wield the power not to allow something external to affect our internal state. as kanye says in his book (thank you and you're welcome), "life is 5% what happens to you......and 95% how you react"!!!

i'd rather think it was raining blessings than curses. and, that is what i CHOOSE to think. it's that easy. the rest is done.


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