Wednesday, November 05, 2008


sam cooke put it best: "it's been a long, a long time comin', but i know change gon' come"

barack and michelle, malia and sasha, you did it! what so many people have fought, bled, cried, and died for, you did it! the feelings right now are totally overwhelming and i am utterly speechless. this is an amazing moment, and i can only thank God for this and the feelings associated with it all. the scene at grant park must have been breathtakingly exciting. all of the speeches black parents and teachers have to give black children about 'you can be anything you want', finally has a lot more merit and there is some meat for kids to sink their teeth into. change is here america. i am filled with a warm happiness and excitement and an unexplainable pandemonium, but i would be lying if i did not say that i am surprised all in the same emotion. where it was once a country where it was legal to kill black people (among slavery and a whole lot of other immoral conduct and treatment), WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT!!! yes we can, yes we could, and yes we did. obama's celebration speech at grant park in chicago last night was nothing shy of stellar in traditional obama speech fashion. below is a clip along with some powerful quotes i was really feeling from the speech:

@ 13:31 - "...the new don of american leadership is at hand."
@ 17:47 - "...while we breathe we hope..."

here are some breath-taking photos from the event last night

yes we can, progress, hope, and a reaffirmation of the ideals on which america was founded

thanks to everyone that made this possible, and especially to president-elect barack obama

p.s. - the nytimes has a good article about the election (free registration may be required)


Blogger plez... said...

hey there! this was easily the most historic day since the founding of this nation more than 220 years ago! just think, our people have been here since DAY ONE of this nation, working, toiling, building, and dying for the nation... and only today can we say that we can fully realize our birthright to the fruits of our labors...

this wasn't a win for Black people, BARACK OBAMA won for ALL of America.


2:58 AM  

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