tired, exhausted, drained, and sore
basketball practice this weekend was crucial. of course, not having played any since early december did not help the situation. we only had 8 people at most at practice fri, sat, and sunday so the drills were even more intense because there were so few people in the lines. ok, back to business. i am trying to write out what i want to do for my phd (a draft of my first-year report) and what i have done this far this year. it is not anything too formal. i just wanted to have something in writing so i can begin to discuss my interets with different individuals and get as much insight nd feedback as possible. you have so many ideas in your head, but when it comes time to commit to paper, it is hard to find the words to accurately describe the millions of ideas floating around upstaris. hopefully, this exercise will better prepare me to write my report and outline my phd work for the next 2 or 3 years.
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